Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Transition The Car Takes Off

The concept car Transition of U.S. start-up Terrafugia successfully completed its first flight. The hybrid is a small aircraft that can travel on the road.

"This breakthrough changes the world of personal mobility," Terrafuiga CEO Carl Dietrich is convinced. When Transition is a two-seat aircraft that is suitable for take off and landing at smaller airports, but is also intended as a "flying car" to travel on normal roads. The transformation from the plane to the pilot while the vehicle costs less than 30 seconds, the company said. Marriage is Sportflieger in greater numbers in their Transitions take to the streets, however, it will take some time.

"Historic milestone"

The first flight took place according to the company from the public at Plattsburgh International Airport. Although it lasted only 37 seconds, but you can see in the Terrafugia as a historical landmark. For the transition with its 75-liter tank has a propeller plane over 700 km range at a cruise speed of 185 kilometers per hour, while it can reach a car with front wheel drive normal highway speeds. The fuel consumption should be in this case, about 7.8 liters per 100 kilometers. Moreover, it can easily be parked in a garage. "Travel becomes a problem integrated land-air experience. After that flight enthusiasts have sought since 1918, "says Dietrich.

More propelled aircraft as a flying car

Strictly speaking, the idea behind the transition rather a moving plane as a flying car. It will help to make traveling by aircraft cheaper, easier and possible regardless of the weather. Because the road capability, it is possible in bad weather or fog easy to drive on the floor next - without searching for a parking space, separate organize onward travel to need and be forced later to his own small plane there to pick up again where it to land was forced. For this, the transition can be folded from about 8.4 meters wingspan of about two meters width of the vehicle.

The hybrid car is expected to cost $ 194,000

Founded in 2006 by aerospace engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology company directs its product to individuals. In the U.S. for flight operations is a so-called "Sport Pilot License" sufficient. Even now, even international interest for $ 10,000 reserve a transition that will ultimately cost $ 194,000. Before moving aircraft but really reaches customers, be carried further flight and driving tests and a pre-production prototype will be built. Delivery of the first models aimed at Terrafugia claims to be for 2011.